
my sons name is Cord. When I tell people his name, they usually look at me like they don't understand or I was mumbleing or saying Corey or Corbin really fast (probably since Cord isn't really a name). I used to explain what his name was by saying "like a telephone cord" or "Cord, like you plug into a wall". Now I just say it and if they understand great, and if they think his name is Corey oh well. These people are just strangers asking me what his name is, but all the important people in his life know his name. He is a really unusually cute little boy with a outgoing and funny personality and although people may not like his name when they first hear it, once they meet him, they start to like it. I admit that if he had been an ugly child or had a bad personality, it would have been an ugly name to most people before and after they met him. My theroy.......what ever you name your child, your child's looks or personality can turn a "wierd" or "ugly" name into a cute or well-liked name (or I'm sorry to say vise versa).