
I find this a refreshing alternative to the common Alexander. I think the myth behind this name is very inspiring. In a nutshell: Noble girl Hero and peasant boy Leander fall in love. Hero's father will not bless the union. The lovers live on opposite sides of the Hellespont river, and in order to meet in secret, Leander swims the treacherous waters in the dark each night to meet with Hero, who hangs a lantern out of her balcony window to guide him. Unfortunately, one night a storm kills the lantern flame, and Leander loses his way, falling prey to the crashing waves. In the morning, Hero sees him out her window, lifeless on the beach, and jumps to join him in the afterlife. Ok, the ending is tragic, but the name Leander has become a poetic device used to symbolize love through adversity and loyalty than can not be daunted.