The Most Common Middle Names For Girls At Cornell University, 1999

Name Nerds main

 This is a completely un-scientific list of middle names of students at Cornell University in 1999. It was culled from a directory from that year when I had a temp job whose only function was to answer phones that rang twice a week at most.I think the job ended before I was able to get a similar list for male names.

Rank Name
1 Ann, Anne, An
2 Marie
3 Elizabeth, Elisabeth
4 Lynn, Lynne, Lyn
5 Lee, Leigh
6 Beth
7 Jean, Jeanne
8 Katherine, Catherine, Kathryn, Katharine, Catharine
8 Michelle, Michele
10 Louise, Luise
11 Nicole, Nichole
12 Christine, Kristine
13 Jane, Jayne
13 Rose
15 Ellen
15 Maria
17 Renee, Rene, Renae, Renea
18 Lauren
19 Mary
20 Rachel, Rachelle, Rachael
21 Leah, Lea, Lia
22 Dawn, Dawne, Daughn
23 Margaret
23 Sue
25 Ruth
26 Kathleen, Cathleen
26 Suzanne, Susanne
28 Joy
29 Allison, Alison, Allyson, Alyson
29 Irene
29 Sara, Sarah
32 Elise, Elyse, Ilyse, Alyse
33 Andrea
33 Diane, Diann, Dianne
33 Ilene, Eileen, Aileen
36 Rebecca, Rebekah
37 Alice
37 May, Mae
39 Christina, Cristina
40 Susan
41 Esther
41 Patricia
41 Rae, Ray, Raye
44 Frances
44 Jeanette, Jeannette, Janette
44 Jennifer
47 Elaine
47 Melissa
49 Emily, Emilie
49 Kay, kaye, Kae
51 Caroline
51 Grace
51 Hope
51 Karen, Caryn, Karin, Carin/Caren
51 Noelle, Noel
56 Danielle
56 Isabel, Isabelle
56 Jo
59 Denise
59 Isabel, Isabelle
59 Julie
59 Kate
59 Page, Paige
59 Theresa, teresa
65 Amanda
65 Claire, Clare
65 Yvonne, Evonne, Evon
68 Cheryl, Sheryl, Sherle
69 Angela
69 Ashley
69 Evelyn
69 Joanna, Johanna
69 Olivia
69 Yvette, Ivette, Evette
69 Sharon, Sharyn
76 Erica, Erika
76 Eve
76 Jessica
76 Joan