Reagan, Regan

Name Nerds main

FOR REAL: As a first name, Regan (pronounced /REE gun/ was first coined by Shakespeare for his play "King Lear." It is borne by the middle of King Lear's daughters, between Goneril and Cordelia. As with many names Shakespeare coined, where he derived it from is debated by scholars. Perhaps coincidentally, Regan is also an Irish surname, an anglicization of Ó Riagáin. This name may come from a diminutive form of Rí, meaning "king" or else stem from a word meaning "furious" or "vehement." In this form, it was also seen as the name of the possessed protagonist in the film The Exorcist. In the USA Regan is often pronounced /RAY gun/ and given in honor or recognition of Ronald Reagan, the former president (pronounced /RAY gun/, although I've heard that he originally pronounced it /REE gun/ and changed the pronunciation somewhere down the line). Because of this, you often find such spellings as Raegan, Raygan, Ragan etc. As of 2013, Reagan is the most popular spelling, and it was #718 for boys in the US Top 7000, and #75 for girls.

other recorded spellings: Raegan, Raygan, Raegen, Reaghan, Raigan, Reegan, Raygen, Ragan, Reghan, Raeghan, Reagen, Rheagan, Rhegan, Reagyn, Reighan, Reygan, Raegyn, Reigan, Raigen, Reagann, Rhaegan, Regann, Ragen, Raighan, Rayegan